The Poodle to Pitbull Pet Business Marketing 'Success Summit'

April 5-7 in Sunderland,UK

This is an international marketing seminar for ambitious pet business owners who are not only devoted to dogs, but who are also determined to build a profitable and sustainable pet business empire, where you call the shots.

Positioning your business as the premier pet service provider that magnetically attracts more of these clients should be the goal of every dog walker, trainer and groomer, and at IMPACT 2019 – The Poodle to Pitbull Pet Business Marketing Success Summit, you will discover the five transformational keys that will allow you to master the ‘Attraction Marketing principles’ so you can unlock the hidden profits in your pet business.

The Main IMPACT Event takes place on Saturday 6th April.

From 9-5pm, myself and five special guests will share the marketing secrets that will enable you to;

  • Position *you* as ‘the’ expert pet professional in your town.
  • Establish your business as the ‘stand out’ choice for affluent clients.
  • Create clients for life who refer other ‘affluent’ clients – less really is more!
  • Be recognised and respected for the amazing service you provide.
  • Position you as the leading ‘pillar’ in your canine community. This is the business owner who is revered by the competition and who dog owners gravitate to for help.
  • How to master FB Adverts to drive high end leads into your business.
  • Finally remove the money blocks that are holding you back, so you can develop a ‘wealth attraction’ attitude to your life and business.

In short, attendees will learn how to make more money, with fewer clients, which means less stress and more energy to pursue new business opportunities.

I’ve created my dream business. I’m a family business owner, bestselling author, podcast presenter, speaker, business coach and mentor. What does your dream business look like, and how are you going to achieve it? You can find out at IMPACT 2019…..


Main event – IMPACT 2019 April 6th  9-5pm

All attendees will receive.

  • Welcome pack.
  • 5 presentations, breakout session and a Q and A session with the speakers.
  • A personalised ‘Attraction Marketing’ Pet Business action plan.
  • An IMPACT 2019 T shirt (early bird ticket buyers only)
  • Refreshments all day and a buffet lunch.

IMPACT day ticket £297 £197

To grab your ticket for the main IMPACT event and pay in full click the button below

To grab your ticket for the main IMPACT event and pay in 3 instalments click the button below

Pay in full

To grab your ticket for the main IMPACT event and pay in 3 instalments click the button below

Pay in 3 instalments


Main Event Day/Night Option

Includes everything from the main IMPACT event.

PLUS – Gala 3 course dinner on Saturday in castle suite. Ticket to PBIC pet business marketer of the year presentation and awards evening. After dinner entertainment and overnight stay at the venue and breakfast on Sunday. The day/night ticket is the ultimate ‘after hours’ pet business network marketing event.  I promise that just like previous ‘bootcamp’ after hours events, this will be a lot of fun. Do not underestimate how powerful it is to spend time away from your business in the company of other highly successful, inspirational business owners.

Price and booking

Day/night ticket to Saturday’s Main event (including all meals and one nights accommodation on Saturday evening) Just £457 £299 ** MOST POPULAR OPTION **

To grab your ticket for the main IMPACT event and pay in full click the button below

Pay in full

To grab your ticket for the main IMPACT event and pay in 3 instalments click the button below

Pay in 3 instalments


INCLUDES BONUS DAY – ‘SUPER SUNDAY’ - Closed Door Mastermind – Limited Opportunity

‘Separate registration required’

Serious pet business owners only have the opportunity to book their ticket to Super Sunday.

20 Voyeurs. (14 spaces gone already)


One day.

‘Super Sunday’ is a closed doors mastermind. This is a small, exclusive, no-holes barred ‘one –off’ bonus event for pet business owners who are looking to take their business to the next level.

The format.

There will be the opportunity for 5 attendees to endure enjoy a ‘HOT SEAT’, where your business will be stripped apart and then put back together by Dom Hodgson, Europe’s leading business coach of dog trainers, dog walkers and pet sitters. Strictly Limited Availability for this bonus day.

I will also be delivering the brand new ‘How I did that’ presentation, in which I will share the defining business decisions that shaped my own success, and which allowed me go from being a local dog walker with one service offering, to creating a diverse ‘business without borders’, that isn’t reliant on any one revenue stream.

Bonus Super Sunday Pricing

Early Bird Price £667  £397

Total cost of Saturday Day/night ticket AND Sunday’s Mastermind for early bird ticket buyers is £997 (see below for best deal)

[BEST VALUE OPTION] The Whole Enchilada Ticket. (READ THIS)

There is a one-off, time-limited opportunity for early bird investors to get the ‘whole enchilada’ ticket that covers the whole weekend (Saturday’s main event and Sundays Mastermind ((and Saturday accommodation and all meals)) for just £647 (Full price ticket is £997)

Don’t delay, book your ticket now.

You have two options to take care of your Whole Enchilada Ticket.


Remember all early bird ticket buyers get these amazing bonuses

Bonus One – Free 30 minute Turbo Coaching Call with Dom Hodgson (15 minutes to be redeemed in January and 15 minutes after the event) Value £150

Bonus Two – Premium Pricing Masterclass from Dog Walkers Bootcamp – Value £179

Bonus Three – ‘Best Year Yet’ Webinar. In February all early bird IMPACT buyers will get invited to attend a LIVE webinar with Dom Hodgson. In this live business training I will share how to take more money out of your pet business in 2019 WITHOUT working more hours in the business  - Value £179

Bonus Four - IMPACT 2019 T- Shirt – Collector’s edition.

Bonus Five – Once you buy your ticket you will be immediately added to the IMPACT attendees only Facebook group. Here I will share marketing hints and tips and do some exclusive LIVE training and interviews with the IMPACT speakers.  – Value  = priceless.

Total value of Bonuses = £508!

To grab your whole enchilada ticket and pay in full click the button below

Pay in full

To grab your whole enchilada ticket and pay in 3 instalments click the button below

Pay in 3 instalments

Why Are These Pet Professionals Coming
To IMPACT 2019?

‘Why come along to IMPACT? - Because no one else will teach you how to market and advertise yourself. I knew I was a great dog walker but I didn't stand out from every other dog walker in my overcrowded area in fact I just looked the same. I was also a young business and I found myself checking my figures and bank account every day to check I could pay my bills, rent and basically survive. The PBIC and Bootcamps have helped me turn my business into a success and I don't have the financial stress hanging over me any more. my wee business has grown and I have plans in place to grow it further in 2019!! You only have yourself to blame if you don't come to impact as you won't learn this stuff anywhere else!!!!’

Suzanne Gould – Edinburgh Holistic Dogs

‘Having been to both boot camps and coming away from both of them with things to put into action, I cannot wait to see what IMPACT is gonna bring.

Both bootcamp and coaching training continue to improve things within my business but not only that, things have changed within myself and my lifestyle too and all for the better.

Controversial he may be, this guy gets results.’

Claire Lawrence – High Peak Dog Services.

‘The more I work with Dom the more success I get.

‘Having been to both Bootcamps where I came away with so many ideas on how to push my business further and how to actually implement them! I booked onto Impact without a second thought...there was no way I’d be missing out on it.

My monthly income this year vs last year has doubled and I am now turning clients away from puppy classes as they are full and booked up with 1:1s’

Carrie Stuthridge – Carries Canines

And here’s what one of private clients Sarah Marles of P.A.W.’s Adventure Service had to say in our Diamond Coaching Group last week;

‘I'm amazed myself at how quickly my 'goal' turnover is approaching. It's in my 5 year plan to reach a certain amount and I have to say it's going to take a lot less time than originally thought. However, I do realise the difference between turnover and profit is hugely significant but I want to be at a point where I can announce my turnover as a monetary figure and use it to sell the second tier to the business.

I'm excited beyond belief and as I keep saying, from the outside to you guys I may not look like I'm doing much or progressing particularly fast but I'm finding such huge value in Diamond (when I eventually catch up with everything) and I'm doing things and thinking in a way I've never allowed myself to think before, my mindset shift is monumental. And I know if I was still with Isaac and Issy's dad all this would just be unthinkable, he simply would not have 'allowed' it.’

If you are sick and tired of waiting for your business to grow and you are ready for change then grab your ticket to IMPACT 2019 now.

Choose Your Adventure

Option A – A ticket to IMPACT Saturdays Main Event – This gets you an all-day ticket to the main IMPACT event which is happening on Saturday April 6th in Sunderland. Dom Hodgson and his five special guests will teach you the ‘FIVE KEYS to a Successful Pet Business’. You will receive your own industry specific business plan. Event happens from 9-5pm. Early Bird Price = £157

Click here to grab your day ticket NOW

Option B – Day/night Ticket – This gets you access to the all-day main event, and the gala dinner on Saturday evening. The ticket ALSO includes your accommodation (including breakfast on Sunday) at the four star Grand Hotel in Sunderland. This is an opportunity to network and connect with like-minded ambitious pet business owners and you’ll also see the presentation to the winner of the  ‘PBIC Pet Business Marketer of the year’.  Early Bird Price = £277

Click here to grab your day/night ticket NOW

Option C – For serious pet business owners. WHOLE ENCHILADA TICKET

SEPARATE REGISTRATION REQUIRED. On the last day of the summit five pet business owners will have their businesses stripped apart and then put back together again.  Option C gets you a ticket that includes everything in Option B AND a voyeur spot at this behind closed doors pet bonus mastermind day. Once you book your ticket for option C I will email you an application form to fill in and if you fit the criteria then you are going to the whole IMPACT weekend. If your application fails or if no spaces are available I will refund you the money for Super Sunday.

Early Bird Whole Enchilada Ticket Only £468  (Full Price £997)

Click here to grab your Whole Enchilada ticket NOW