Episode 179 – Have You Sold Your Pet Business Soul to the Social Media Devil?
Does Twitter give you the Halloween jitters? Does your Pet Business appear Ghostly when compared to your creepy competition? Are you trapped in a spooky social-media hell as you try to promote your services on platforms you don't even understand? Then it's time to step into my content-free crypt and check out my hauntingly good Scary Special. You'll discover why you should NEVER sell your promotional soul to the social-media, content creating crack dealing devils... www.petbusinessmarketing.com/spooky
Check out this episode!
Episode 179 – Have You Sold Your Pet Business Soul to the Social Media Devil?
Does Twitter give you the Halloween jitters? Does your Pet Business appear Ghostly when compared to your creepy competition? Are you trapped in a spooky social-media hell as you try to promote your services on platforms you don’t even understand? Then it’s time to step into my content-free crypt and check out my hauntingly good Scary Special. You’ll discover why you should NEVER sell your promotional soul to the social-media, content creating crack dealing devils… www.petbusinessmarketing.com/spooky