How to Position yourself an an ‘Expert’ Pet Professional: Part Two – Publicity tips for pet business owners
This is part two of a ‘Expert Pet Professional’ blog three part series. To view part one click here now.
Why you need to get your picture in the paper!
Publicity is something that, with a bit of persistence, any dog walking business can get. Obviously there’s your book, which you will publicise like crazy once you have written it, but what else can you get publicity for?
Well, books aren’t the only places you will find shaggy dog stories.
Spend five minutes browsing through your local rag, and you will inevitably find a dog story. I’ve never failed to find at least two dog-related stories in every edition of every paper I’ve ever read. This is especially true of my local paper.
People love dogs
No shit, Sherlock.They really do. They love pictures of them and they love reading about them. And they also love reading about people who do nice things for dogs and who work with dogs, and weird quirky dog business stories too.
So get your thinking cap on and come up with some newsworthy story that will interest your paper. The business section editor may be interested in the niche that you are specialising in or even feature you in a new-business article if you have just started trading. Then there are charity events, sponsored walks and all kinds of things you can pique a journalist’s interest with.
You need to be persistent, and don’t expect it to happen straight away, but once you get a break, then make sure they mention your contact details in the article, which most reporters will do anyway. This exposure may directly bring you some new clients, but that’s not the main reason to do it.
Why you need to get your picture in the paper
This might sound vain and pathetic but it’s entirely true. People are impressed if you have been in the paper (providing it’s not the court round-up, of course). And proclaiming “As seen in the Waterford Post” on your website and other marketing materials is as impressive (if not more impressive) to your prospects then any certifications on your about page or letters you have after your name.
Publicity isn’t limited to newspapers either. You can submit stories for use on the radio and in dog magazines. These media outlets are always looking for good content they can push out to their audience. The first rule of any kind of marketing is don’t be boring, so give your stories a twist that makes them irresistible to hungry journalists.
Expert status is something every dog walker should aim for, and the strategies I have outlined here will help get you started.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking you are too small a fish or that you have nothing to say that hasn’t been said already. That kind of thinking will keep you being that small fish.
Becoming known as the best in your town is much easier than being best in the world, and it won’t take much to elevate your business and make it stand out from all the average competition.
Once you have done that, you will dominate your local area.
This blog is part two in a three part ‘How to be an Expert Pet Professional Series’, to view part three click here now.
You can listen to the full ‘Be the Expert’ Chapter by clicking on the link below.