How Did An Inexperienced Dog Walker With No Confidence Or Clients, And In The Middle Of A Recession, Manage To Leap Over The Envious Competition And Create One Of The UK’s Most Profitable And Fun Dog Walking Empires?
The answer will shock and delight you. It’s an amazingly simple mind-set shift that you can master and plug-in to your pet business today, which will guarantee you consistently make bigger profits, so you can finally leave behind the stress and worry of having to decide between petrol for the van or putting food on the table.
If you are currently lying awake at night worrying about whether your pet business will even be here next year then keep reading…
I’m an expert business coach who uses webinars, events, online and offline marketing methods, but I’ve made more money for my private coaching clients through teaching them about premium pricing, than I have doing anything else.
Mastering premium pricing was a game changer for me. This is despite what I was told by my well-meaning but clueless friends and family, who said the only way to grow a business, was to charge a ‘fair’ or even a ‘low’ price.
Ignoring that advice and instead being ‘premium’ from the start, meant I never have to worry about the inferior and less expensive competition. Now I actually make way more money serving fewer clients, and working less hours than my competitors.
Charging premium prices has meant we’ve enjoyed trip to Disneyland Florida, we’ve moved to a bigger house, and the extra money I have been able to earn has made it easy for me to expand my business ,and invest in my books, online memberships and my own personal development.
Anyone Can Do This Too, So If You Are So Great At What You Do, Then Why Aren’t You Charging The Kind Of Prices You Know Your Service Deserves?
The two big excuses I hear a lot are;
‘People in my town are tight and won’t pay high-prices.’
Wrong! If that was the case then everyone would wear the same kinds of clothes, drive the same shitty car (or get the bus) and eat in the same cheap café. But they don’t, do they?
In your town, just like mine there are people driving Range Rovers and BMW’s, eating in high end café’s and restaurants, and almost every house has a Sky dish stuck on it where inside people are sitting on leather sofas watching and programs on their 60 inch plasma TV’s.
See, people always find money for the things they want in life.
If you struggling to charge high prices isn’t because people won’t pay, but rather because you aren’t demonstrating the value of your service.
The second excuse is;
‘I can’t put my prices up, I’ve got too much competition’
Wrong again!
In your town, just like mine there are people driving Range Rovers and BMW’s, eating in high end café’s and restaurants, and almost every house has a Sky dish stuck on it where inside people are sitting on leather sofas watching and programs on their 60 inch plasma TV’s.
See, people always find money for the things they want in life.
If you struggling to charge high prices isn’t because people won’t pay, but rather because you aren’t demonstrating the value of your service.
The second excuse is;
‘I can’t put my prices up, I’ve got too much competition’
Wrong again!
Putting Your Prices Up Is Actually The Easiest Way To Differentiate Yourself From The Competition.
Just ask Sarah Marles? Sarah runs P.A.W’s Adventure walks in the Wirrel, where there are 45 other dog walkers within a 7 X 15 mile peninsula. Here’s what Sarah say about my Premium Pricing Training.
I didn't have much money (none) and just wanted some money in the hand initially. I didn’t know anything about running a business at all.I was actually on income support as Issy was very young and I'd split up with Stephen with no money.
I started dog walking through a government initiative called the new enterprise allowance scheme which assisted new businesses by decreasing their income support gradually. Then I joined Dom’s PBIC and he showed me how to increase my prices.Money wise. ...I'm 500% better off and growing from my income support days (which did only last 6 months btw).
My income has more than doubled from being a normal dog walker by implementing Dom’s stuff. It's getting better and better and I've got a staff member now too.’
And You Can Achieve The Exact Same Results In Your Business If You Grab My Premium Pricing Masterclass Before December 31st.
The Premium Pricing Masterclass gives you the very best of my premium pricing training. This is the training that has seen my PBIC members increase their prices anywhere from 20%-200%, without losing clients.
In the premium pricing masterclass you get;
- Immediate access to the one hour premium pricing masterclass training I recorded with Alex the Video guy. Worth £147
- The ‘How to raise your prices without losing clients’ issue of ‘the Ledger’ (the Ledger is my 12 page paper and ink newsletter and the exclusive read of my PBIC peeps) worth £97
- Bonus one hour Premium Pricing Webinar - Previously only seen by my PBIC members.
You also get a one hour ‘Secrets to a Premium Priced Pet Business’ audio training CD, so you can listen on the go. Worth £67. And as a special bonus I am also including the DVD and CD versions of my ‘Grow Your Pet Business FAST Seminar’ worth £47
In Total That’s Over 4 Hours Of Powerful Training That Will Show You Exactly How To Increase Your Prices.
You will learn;
- The one simple strategy that will allow you to immediately increase your prices without losing clients
- The strange pricing trick that will enable you to effortlessly move your current clients to your more expensive services.
- The 3 biggest mistakes you need to avoid if you want to have a profitable dog walking business.
- How your high prices will crush and confuse your competition (and why they won’t have the balls to copy your price increase)
- How having low prices attracts ‘bottom feeding’ chav clients and actually repels the high-end clients you desire.
- Why NOT increasing your prices annually means you are giving yourself a pay
- Why being a ‘low priced’ service provider is a symptom that your pet business is fatally sick. As Warren Buffet said; ‘”if you have to have a prayer session before raising the price by 10 percent, then you’ve got a terrible business.”
This Is Your ‘FAST PASS’ To Earning Bigger Profits In Your Pet Business.
To get everything you need to start earning more money (as soon as next month!) then click on one of the options below and get your Premium Pricing Masterclass now.
- ✓ Premium Pricing Webinar
- ✓ Premium Pricing Masterclass
- ✓ Premium Pricing 12 page Ledger
- ✓ Grow Your Pet Business FAST DVD
- ✓ Premium Pricing Webinar
- ✓ Premium Pricing Masterclass
- ✓ Premium Pricing 12 page Ledger
- ✓ Grow Your Pet Business FAST DVD
- ✓ 'How to increase your prices without losing clients' (1.5 hours)
- ✓ Full Premium Pricing Training from the 'Dog Walkers' Bootcamp
Remember, this is a one-time offer to get the Premium Pricing Masterclass for a one-off investment of just £57 or get the Premium version for £77. Offers change all the time on the Grow Your Pet Business FAST! website so if you want in, then don't delay!